
Making the Windows Look Whole

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There’s something about a bare window that just looks off to me. I had some bare windows in the new home that I purchased, and looking at them just made them seem kind of naked. I initially wanted to put some curtains near them, because that’s what the last owner of the home did, but I had a different idea that would be just as stylish. I had seem many people with shutters on their windows, and thought it would be a good idea to have my own window shutters. It would be a nice change of pace from the norm.

Since I didn’t have my Internet service set up at my new home, I used my phone to look for an online store where I could get some new shutters. I found a lot of them, and had to chose one that looked the best to me. After narrowing down the results, I then had to choose which set of gutters looked the best for the windows in my new home. The different variations in styles made things a little tough for me, even though it was good to have so many choices. I was finally able to choose one, and set up an installation time that was good for me.

The installation crew came over and installed the shutters pretty quickly, and once they did, the entire look of the windows changed. They no longer had the look of a naked window and looked more complete. It was as if a person who had been walking around in nothing but their pajamas had suddenly put on a good suit and got a good haircut. I couldn’t wait to call my friends over so they could all take a look at my new home and the shutters that I purchased.